Building Integrity Book 1

It's Your Choice - A Story of Business, Life, and the Journey


The book not only addresses a business growth plan, but it challenges the reader on a personal voyage into character development. It reminds each of us, that “integrity of character yields integrity of process.” And the refined process is what earns the security we all seek.


To introduce an alternative operating style. It is one of focused vision, foundational values, and centered around Integrity Process. It is a philosophy and practice of team empowerment that undergrids the common goal of “earning security.” A win-win from the board room to the employee’s homes. Applicable in any industry challenged to optimize process through their people.



Appendix A: Notable Quotes
Appendix B: Support References
B.1 Suggested Reading List & Bibliography
B.2 Property Evaluation Categories*
B.3 Process Study Obstacles
B.4 Mine Economics 101
B.5 Super Unit Comparisons
B.6 Critical Performance Efficiency Ratios
B.7 Mine Planning 201
B.8 Typical Time Distribution
B.9 Cost of Loss – Safety
B.10 Cost of Loss – Production*
B.11 Heinrich Triangle
B.12 Reasons for Loss
B.13 Parallel Processes
B.14 Maximized Scheduling
B.15 Mine Support 301
B.16 Proactive Employee Relations Programs
B.17 Deep Mine Performance Indicators
B.18 Key Performance Indicators
B.19 Trending Categories

B.20 Restructuring Forecast
B.21 Process Coordinator Responsibilities
B.22 Corporate Transformation Downfalls*
B.23 Prevention Tenets*
B.24 Corporate Communication Plan
B.25 Bulletin Board Components
B.26 Weekly Crew Communication Meeting
B.27 Training Lay-out
B.28 Definitions of Complacent
B.29 Reasons for Not Breaking a Habit
B.30 Integrity Process Basics
B.31 Work Request Flow Chart
B.32 Action Plan Form
B.33 Loss Symptoms vs. Root Causes
B.34 Preventative Maintenance System
B.35 Integrity Growth Assessment
B.36 Personal Efficiency Challenge
B.37 Examples of Creep
B.38 Integrity Process Flow Chart*
B.39 The SHARE Plan
B.40 Refining Integrity

*Available to view and download: Appendix B Samples PDF

Book 2 - Refining Integrity

Release Expected in 2015



I. The Art of Orchestrating Change

II. Values Enrichment (9)       
a) Teaching
b) Encouragement
c) Accountability

III. Process Principles       
a) Gathering Information (8)
– Development
– Training
– Format
b) Refinement Techniques (6)
– Mechanics
– Upgrades
– Follow-up
c) Monitor Systems (8)
– Data Collection
– Measuring Areas
– Scores/Trending

IV. Pillar Dynamics      
a) Inter- within the Pillar
b) Intra- among Pillars I, II, and III

V. Benchmarking

VI. Motivation and Celebration


1.   Timing Clues for Changing Expectations
2.   CPM Sensitivity Design
3.   Flow Analysis Criteria
4.   Foreman Efficiency
5.   Continuous Miner Efficiency
6.   Roof Bolter Efficiency
7.   Attendance Reform
8.   Client Survey
9.   Action Team Topics
10. Shift Report Issues
11. Efficiency Survey Example
12. 300 Potential Kaizen Ideas
13. Equipment Selection
14. Equipment & Rebuild Parameters
15. Practical Ergonomics
16. Swarm Maintenance
17. Reducing Failure Maintenance
18. Maintenance Repair Variations
19. Unit Lay-outs
20. Cut Sequence Design Parameters
21. Cut Sequence Simulations
22. Sequencing Protection
23. Unit Set-up Detail
24. Third Shift Design Criteria
25. Continuous Miner Loadability Keys
26. Faceboss Efficiency Review
27. Downtime Utilization Potential Project List
28. Contingency Planning on the Unit
29. Momentum Enhancers
30. Monthly Performance Indicator Efficiency Stats
31. Motion Study Topics
32. Analyzing the Performance Indicator Drivers & Variation
33. Cost of Loss – Potential Survey
34. Unit Improvement Plan
35. Major Initiatives
36. Dust Reduction Techniques
37. Rock Dusting System
38. Automated Tracking
39. Potentials of Ash Analyzers & Selective Cutting
40. Supply System Efficiencies